
Jakarta Gov. Stresses Importance of Mass Transport as Air Quality Degrades

Diana Mariska
Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan (Photo: Fuadi Muflih)
Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan (Photo: Fuadi Muflih) - The governor of Jakarta has reminded the public on the importance of using mass transport as air quality in the province continues to degrade.

Anies Baswedan said improving public transport is always part of his office’s main focuses because it makes direct impact to the quality of air in Jakarta – which was recently named the most polluted city in Indonesia by Swiss air quality technology company IQ Air.

“Why have we been encouraging [the use and improvement of] mass transport in the last four years? Among other things, it’s to reduce emission in our city,” Baswedan said on Wednesday, June 22, as reported by Antara.

He admitted that air quality in Jakarta is poor due to the massive number of vehicles in the province. Huge volume of daily movement to and from the province is claimed to have worsened the situation and contributed to Jakarta becoming one of the most polluted cities in the world.

Baswedan also encouraged owners of motor vehicles in Jakarta to take part in emission test, and the governor said the recurring air quality issue is a warning for authorities to review existing regulations and programs that hinder more people from using available public transport.

Jakarta provincial government also revealed that it would take necessary action against industries or companies that contribute to creating air pollution sources.

“Similar to when we took action against a company [in industrial area] in Marunda that created pollution which affected public health. We immediately sent them a warning and stopped [operation],” Baswedan warned.

Tag # jakarta air quality # environmental issues in indonesia # anies baswedan # jakarta governor # jakarta

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