
Employees Can Get 40-Day Paternity Leave in Maternal and Child Welfare Bill

Diana Mariska
Maternity leave illustration (Photo: Wormwood)
Maternity leave illustration (Photo: Wormwood) - Male employees in Indonesia may get up to 40 days of paternity leave after the birth of a child as proposed in maternal and child welfare bill (RUU KIA).

The suggestion is included in Article 6 of the bill’s draft – which also regulates paternity leave of up to seven days in the event of miscarriage or stillbirth.

Deputy chairman of the House of Representatives' legislation committee Willy Aditya said the bill seeks to support husbands to be able to accompany their wives after a birth and/or loss of pregnancy.

“The House of Representatives highlighted the rising awareness among fathers to be involved in their child’s care. And through the KIA bill, we will push for paternity leave because [it] protects the rights of husbands to be with their wives during birth and 40 days after becoming new parents,” Aditya said on Tuesday, June 21.

Aside from the focus on male workers, the maternal and child welfare bill also proposes maternity leave to be extended to up to six months. As of now, eligible maternity leave in Indonesia is only three months, as regulated in Law No. 13/2003 on Manpower.

The Law also regulates a two-day leave for men whose wives give birth. However, civil servants (PNS) are able to submit paternity leave request for up to one month.

The House of Representatives aims to make the bill a law, and further deliberation will take place.

Tag # indonesia maternity leave # maternity leave # maternal and child welfare bill # ruu kia # house of representatives # dpr ri

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