
Joox Annual Review Shows Indonesians Love Local Music

Diana Mariska
Indonesian singer Anneth Delliecia (Photo: Instagram)
Indonesian singer Anneth Delliecia (Photo: Instagram) - Music streaming service Joox has released its annual report of most-listened songs and artists, and the report shows local music is still very much loved by music listeners in Indonesia.

As reported by Antara, “Mungkin Hari Ini Esok Atau Nanti” by newcomer Anneth Delliecia topped the list of most-listened songs in Indonesia in 2021, followed by Pamungkas’ hit single “To the Bone” in second place. Singer-songwriter Budi Doremi was also included in the list with his song “Melukis Senja”.

 “Here’s Your Perfect” by the Voice UK alum Jamie Miller filled the fourth spot, and veteran crooner Judika completed the top-five list with his single “Putus Atau Terus”.

Pop singer Rizky Febian was crowned the most-streamed male artist in 2021, and he became the only Indonesian artist who have been consistently included in Joox’s Top Chart 100 every year. Judika and Pamungkas, again, showed their influence on the national music scene by sitting in the second and third place.

Indonesian diva Rossa, meanwhile, snatched the title of most-streamed female artist, followed by Happy Asmara and Anneth Delliecia.

This year’s review also confirms Indonesians’ love for oldies-but-goodies local bands, as Ungu, Noah, and Dewa 19 sat comfortably in the top three of most-streamed bands, seemingly not wavered by the wave of more-current bands.

With K-pop continues to influence world music, it came as no surprises that South Korean artists dominated the most-streamed international artists. K-pop groups BTS and Blackpink were in the first and second place of the list, respectively, while former teen heartthrob Justin Bieber claimed the third spot.

Tag # music # entertainment # joox # explore # indonesian musician # pamungkas # bts # blackpink

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