
Bumi Bulk Store & Refillery, Bali's Eco-Friendly Household Products

Arfi Bambani
Bumi Bulk Store & Refillery
Bumi Bulk Store & Refillery - Bumi Bulk Store & Refillery is a business from Kerobokan, Bali, which was founded in 2021 by selling a variety of environmentally friendly household products, such as foodstuffs, spices, teas, soaps, shampoos, deodorants, and skincare products. The founder of Bumi Bulk Store and STEAM Academy, Dominique Ivonne, said her shop has more than 200 eco-friendly products, in collaboration with local farmers and artisans.

"We work with farmers and crafters throughout Indonesia and all of our products are natural, plastic-free, and don't hurt the earth," said Dominique in an official statement, Tuesday, May 10, 2022.

Bumi Bulk Store & Refillery also carries out various initiatives for the environment, such as inviting customers to bring their own containers to refill. "We support the 4R (reduce, reuse, recycle, repair) movement by implementing a refill system that is much cheaper than supermarkets, as well as educating our consumers to bring their own packaging," she added.

Customers can also borrow containers that have been donated. After it is returned, they have to wash and clean the container. "Even though it's a small action, the positive impact is huge," said Dominique.

The word "zero waste" seems difficult to implement, but Dominique believes small actions such as bringing your own container will have a more positive impact for the future. "Not only for our business. I believe that businesses that reduce waste, in general, have a much higher growth prospect," she added.

Not only protecting the earth, environmentally friendly business practices can also reduce the burden of operating costs. Dominique said that it took more than a year to search for products and to meet farmers directly. "As a result, not only can we directly support farmers, our products are also fresher, with lower final prices for customers," she said.

To ensure the efficiency of business operations, Bumi Bulk Store uses the Moka digital cashier and the GoStore online store website, which is a business solution from GoTo Financial.

To persuade more business players to start running environmentally-friendly businesses, Dominique underlined the importance of collaboration between different industries or across sectors so that they can expand the impact they want to have on the environment, society, social, and economy. "Not only can it reduce costs, collaboration can also support product marketing to be even better," she said.

Tag # bumi bulk store & refillery # eco-friendly business # bali # environmental friendly business # indonesia biodiversity # indonesia waste problem # indonesia waste # indonesia plastic issue

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